Addison Witherspoon

Man in White
New World Order
Supervisor at HQ #WV3200
Administrator of the Q.T. Department

Scientific Style & Paradigm

There is nothing magickal or even fantastical about Enlightened Science. It is something that has always existed, it is simply a matter of mankind coming into grips of understanding his universe. This goes beyond raw factual knowledge, however. Some matters of the world cannot be analyzed with deductive evidence. Some concepts cannot be understood unless one is willing to think outside the box of empiricism. The answer, then, derives from philosophy.

Philosophy is not a “pseudo-science”, as some might claim. It argues from rational logic, from facts and evidence, analysis and observation. Unlike other disciplines of science, however, philosophy allows for (and indeed, some schools encourage) the use of inductive logic. That is, intuition – the ability to perceive facts without a direct chain of events and empirical proof by which other scientists are shackled. Of course, intuition itself is difficult to measure. For any inductive evidence to hold up to scrutiny, it must be based in reality, supported by empirical proof. Beyond all variables, there are always definitive constants.

For example, declaring “God must be real” because “it feels correct” is far from adequate to debunk atheism. Better to prove God’s existence by turning inwards and understanding human nature and thereby realizing the idea that the birth of an intelligent species like mankind is far less likely to have been a universal fluke than it is a purposeful action of some entity. And that entity would have to be divine indeed.

Of course, such conclusions have gotten academics like Addison in trouble before. Nonetheless, induction is still a vital piece of his entire system of science. Because by making such extraordinary and well-founded leaps of logic, he is able to supply the means that span the gap between the Sleepers and Awakened. The Consensus is driven toward the Technocracy’s favor because of open-minded thinkers like him – thinkers that can and do alter others’ perceptions of reality through knowledge, understanding, and wisdom.

Addison needs no fancy devices, no laser guns or wormhole generators. Social sciences alone provide the Enlightenment necessary to affect changes in himself and the world around him. Just because his mind strays into complexities and concepts beyond common thought do not render those ideas irrelevant. On the contrary, by peering beyond the constructions of society, Addison is able to understand the world on key fundamental levels, such as the hidden flow of Primal Energy. The subtlest actions and words are thus enough to trigger a fundamental change in a person, place, or thing. Only when a scientist leaps to an incorrect or incomplete conclusion does Paradox strike – the result of tampering with an organic device like the universe that is prone to fits of extreme violence. Therefore, Addison always seeks what is simply entitled a “perfection of thought” – ascertaining correctness and rectitude in an intended action before undertaking said action.

Each discipline of Enlightened Science derives from one aspect of philosophy and liberal arts or another, and hardly need "apparati". At most, he might need a pen and paper to work through his calculations. Correspondence and Time share similar origins of thought for Addison. With Correspondence, he understands spatial concepts when he looks into the vision of abstract art and sees beyond the obvious. With Time, the pace and measure of poetry makes him similarly aware. By understanding the syntax of the images and lines, he is able to comprehend and induce incredible facts about the rhythms and realities of spatial and temporal passage.

Likely due to his human-centered ideologies, “Pattern” Spheres such as Forces and Life derive from an understanding of how energy and matter interacts with human beings. A blend of theoretical nuclear chemistry and kinesiology determine his ability with Forces, which he uses rarely because of their “Jedi”-type of effects. Life likewise tends to be less subtle than his other Spheres because of his approach with neurophysiology. Fortunately, this “mind over matter” ideal can be more readily explained so long as it’s confined with the realms of the Consensus. For example, sudden He-Man strength is fine so long as he’s lifting a car off a companion, not then tossing said car at an enemy like a Frisbee. That would constitute an incomplete conclusion on his part, and result in Paradox. Conversely, with the right inspiration and/or physical manipulation (such as acupressure-like touches) of another subject, he can tap into their minds and let them change themselves.

Entropy and Prime both share a basis in philosophical fundamentals. The nature of the universal is to unpredictably, gradually, and inevitably break down even as it’s built back up. Determinism (he leans towards belief more in soft determinism, though Sleepers may be more subject to hard determinism than the Enlightened) is calculable. Its profound effects on reality enable him to plan accordingly, and events pan out to his favor more frequently by merit of his exact calculations. Prime functions similarly, except it’s the opposite: building up from “nothingness”. Of course, Primal Energy is something, not nothing. Neo-Platonic physics helps Addison grasp the elusive evidence of this element, which again require him to divine the accurate calculation for the events of which he wishes to take advantage.

Last but not least, Addison’s specialty is the Mind. Inductive logic forms the basis of this Sphere. He is able to make amazing leaps and bounds of intuitive truth by studying others, picking up on clues that don’t seem connected at all to the subjects at hand. Observation is key; keeping a clear head is fundamental; amassing a vast database of comparative facts is elementary.


Addy is no soldier. He’s a thinker, an academic – a geek. Yet, from the bottom of his heart he feels like a trooper. He yearns to take up the crusade for justice that harkens all field agents to the cause. This is surely due to the inherent nature of his Genius. All his life, Addy felt like he was meant to do great things. He always imagined he was a brave knight-errant pushing through the wilderness, hunting down rogue dragons and making the world a safer place. Reality never quite adds up to one’s fantasies. Nevertheless, this do-gooder spirit of adventure continues to drive Addison forward. He finds himself able to tap deep reserves of energy and vigor when he needs them most to fulfill these fantasies of heroism in a world that scoffs at such antics. Only when he tackles new challenges of mind and body does he feel like he truly thrives.

Addison is already under review for his sudden shift of interest from the Ivory Tower to Operations. Luckily, he’s quiet and deliberate enough that the wondrous nature of his Genius should avoid closer scrutiny…for now.


Dynamic (Intuitive)

Addison’s capacity for inductive logic is more than impressive, it’s inalienably part of his entire being. Were he to actually live out the fantasies of his cavalier Genius, he would be a dragon slayer that finds the dragons by connecting clues no one else even sees are there. His mind is on par with logicians like fictional Sherlock Holmes or Auguste Dupin. Socially, his ability to make such amazing leaps and bounds of logic astounds others, granting him a –3 difficulty to all rolls made to persuade others of his rationale. However, this same intellect seems to put him a step above most others, and this “elitism” makes it harder to break the ice and make new friends -- +3 difficulty to appropriate Social rolls.

Scientifically, he has less difficulty employing his Spheres for unraveling mysteries and jumping directly to correct conclusions. Such sensory Effects are executed at –1 difficulty. However, sensory Procedures with a plain and standard method of operation – e.g., a scanning device – confound this philosopher (+1 difficulty to such Enlightenment rolls).

Entropic (Fathomless)

To say it plainly, Addison is deep. He goes deep on every issue, thinking it all through more thoroughly than necessary. When he’s driving from point A to B, his mind doesn’t just register than the stoplight just turned green, he mentally breaks down why the signal exists, why the color green is used, and what motivations prevents the average motorist from violating those traffic laws and running the lights. And then he begins to analyze the orderliness of traffic itself, and how this pattern ripples across local reality and helps – in its own tiny way – to reform the essence of Consensus itself. And then Addy gets into the deep stuff. Meanwhile, a long line of angry rush hour drivers are blasting their horns... Socially, this means Addison’s tendency to overanalyze can quickly run through others’ patience, and he receives a +3 penalty to the difficulty of rolls made to express his thorough calculations and observations. On the other hand, those who appreciate detail will find themselves virtually enthralled by his expressive, spontaneous dissertation, and to them he receives a –3 difficulty to appropriate Social rolls.

When it comes to applied Science, Addison shines especially when executing Procedures with no immediate satisfactory gain – such as a Mind or Entropy Effect aimed at inducing a subtle event. Such ambiguous, indirect Procedures are easier (-1 difficulty). Meanwhile, direct Procedures (such as heat rays and instant physical mutations) are not his style, and suffer accordingly should he even consider doing them (+1 difficulty to such Enlightenment rolls).

Static (Recalculating)

Perspicacious and bewilderingly ponderous, Addison’s intellectuality is further tempered with a tendency to always second-guess himself. He is content but never satisfied, and always double-checks the logic and rationale of all his conclusions and investigations. This results in a tendency to frustrate other people and shake their confidence in his abilities as a determined leader (+3 difficulty to relevant Social rolls). However, those who appreciate accuracy over haste recognize Addison’s desire for perfection, and he readily impresses those who expect seamless and flawless effort (-3 difficulty to any Social rolls when he has time to plan out his conversational pieces).

His Procedures benefit from this constant urge to re-address and perfect works already deemed perfect and correct. When he has time to check and experiment with a Procedure before actually enacting it, the Enlightenment roll is made at –1 difficulty. However, when forced to come up with a Procedure off-the-cuff (that is, any Procedure he has not executed in at least three days), with no chance to first analyze it closely, he suffers a +1 difficulty to the rolls (this is similar to and stacks with the penalty for fast-casting).

The Professor's Cubicle (Laboratory)

This small cubbyhole office in the basement of the Center for US Engineering building – the main HQ for the Symposium -- has barely has enough room to stretch one’s legs. It is sufficient for his needs for now. It contains framed photographs of his family, graduation, and certificates. It needs to be reconstituted with different manuals, advisories, and computer software; it is still set up for life as an Ivory Tower academic.

OOC: Cloaking 3


Consensual Auditory Hallucination Generator
Level: 4
Enlightenment: 4
Primal Energy: 20
Origin: Addison was issued this CAHG when he switched to Operations. It is, after all, proprietary to a Man in White supervisor’s duties.
Description: Whereas some “flashy-thingies” are pen or flashlight-shaped devices that blind the subjects and blank their minds, this device is instead a bullhorn. It looks like a common bullhorn any EMS leader would carry to keep order on the streets. Its inner parts are far more complex than a normal bullhorn, however. It is full of advanced computer chips that temper soundwaves to link directly to human brainwaves, as well as a standard supersubatomic nuclear fusion battery for power.
Effects: 1) Affect the recent memories of all within 30 yards’ hearing radius – erasing specific components or leaving blank spots.
Primal Energy Costs: Device: 1; Effect #1: 1
Activation: A button turns on the device, which hums quietly with its Primal Energy capacitor battery. Simply speaking through the device, which amplifies one’s voice like all bullhorns, is effective enough. This follows the general rules for affecting multiple targets (use the highest Willpower present; Awakened beings may roll resistance separately). It is not an instantaneous effect, and requires that the user freely speak for at least three turns (generally inventing the story that will replace the subjects’ recent memories of some event).


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