Roland Steele


Scientific Style & Paradigm

Perhaps the most key element to separating men from other animals is their use of, and reliance upon, tools. Mankind's evolution cannot be understood without noting the progress of technology and a pursuit of what is inherently correct. Science seeks fact: it does not promote vague guesses based on metaphysics or spiritual assumptions. This is all common sense and Roland is nothing if not a practical man. He believes in science, he believes in the advent of technology, and he believes in the judgment of humanity to use those tools correctly.

Roland also recognizes though that not all of humanity is ready for the greatest advances in science and technology. Indeed, most of humanity isn't ready: were the Technocracy to present many of its successes, mankind would take them and self-destruct. It's up to people like Roland, the Men in Black, to keep humanity from overreacting to what it doesn't understand. This he accepts readily. Indeed, his easygoing nature accepts Paradox just as simply. No matter how advanced something, things can break down. Indeed, the more advanced something is, the more likely it is to break down. The consequences of something breaking are the backlashes of Paradox.

The best thing one can do, Roland rationalizes, is to just go with the flow. Fix the problem and continue. Primal Energy is another example of something only advanced science can detect and manipulate and consequently can mangle. It's just an underlying force that only the most advanced technologies can even detect. Superstitionists meddle with Primal Energy and every other force on the planet with their so-called magick. And they fight the Ascension War to protect their "right to practice magick". Magick is far more reckless than even the most Enlightened Science. Thus, it endangers human beings too much to be allowed to continue. And yet the superstitionists fight for their "rights". Hmph. Roland compares the Traditions' "rights to magick" in the same light that Confederates claimed to be fighting for state rights...state rights like slavery.

Luckily, the whole world is connected by airwaves: radio waves, television signals, satellite transmissions, and more. With the right surveillance equipment, such as radio transponders and hidden "bugs", Roland can tap into those masswaves. Then he can locate anything and anyone. He can eavesdrop on friends and foes. Correspondence is a vital Sphere to the practice of the MiB ideologies.

Advanced physics defines the nature of all forms of energy in the universe. Roland is no rocket scientist, but he understands the fundamentals. That's why he was issued a special battery-like device capable of drawing in and storing small amounts of potential kinetic energy from the very air around him. This small walkie-talkie shaped and sized machine can then be connected to other advanced technology. It includes various settings that Roland can modify to transmute the molecules of the stored energy into other forms of energy. For example, by attaching the device to the node in his MiB-issued sidearm, it can spew forth gouts of flame instead of bullets. Or the energy could be agitated and released as raw kinetic force. Either way, the device makes the application of the Forces Sphere simple and practical for any field agent.

"You are what you eat", or otherwise consume, as the old adage goes. The Patterns of living creatures are just as mutable as the Patterns of non-living matter. It just demands different technological sciences. Roland knows biological constructs are best affected from within, and there's no more efficient manner of delivery than advanced drugs and pharmaceuticals. Once injected into the body, Roland can affect living things on a molecular level. Roland doesn't understand the science of how to make the drugs, relying instead on fellow Technocrats for that knowledge. But he knows how to best apply these tools of the Life Sphere: syringes, especially fired from a dart gun, are quite effective in the field, propelling the chemicals to the cells of the recipient (or victim) in seconds.

The Sphere of Mind is, of course, the specialty of the New World Order, and Men in Black are rarely an exception to that rule. At least that is true of any MiB with ambition to go beyond grunt level field agent! Fortunately, the mind is as much as part of the body as the heart or stomach. The mind cannot exist without the brain's functioning. And the brain is just tissue and chemicals. As with Life, Roland knows that drugs are the best course of action to affect the psyche. He employs special "mind-bending" drugs that, once the person is loosened up, prove quite pliable to his requests and demands. Psychological field techniques can help, but Roland has discovered that they alone rarely get results. They must be combined with proper pharmaceuticals, delivered most often in the same way his Life Procedures are.

Very similar to the device Roland uses for the Sphere of Forces, a more spherical machine was constructed for the unique purpose of drawing in and storing small amounts of Primal Energy. As with Forces, Roland can attach this Prime-dedicated machine to other devices for a variety of clever uses. Unlike the Forces device, this machine can only manipulate Primal Energy. But it can be linked up to the Forces device, as well as other advanced tools, for very convenient purposes.


Roland commands a powerful talent for his work. The man visualizes a utopia that will reward his efforts. From afar, as if down a long highway or across a sea, Roland sees a beautiful, golden city, tranquil and safe. With every monster he destroys, every life he saves, Roland takes another step closer to that paradise. At times, he wonders if he's too zealous in pursuit of this perfect world. His dreams are sometimes haunted by ancient battles, as if he were a Moor crusading to take Europe for the Muslim Empire.

But when Roland wakes up, the lingering sensation of fearless faith in achieving paradise fuels his purpose. He doubts he will live to see that utopia realized. But he'll be damned if he won't fight for it! Every little victory helps and brings Roland Steele closer to making fantasy into reality.


Dynamic (Heroic)

Roland is a do-right guy with old-fashioned sentiments and selfless aspirations. Though he doesn't really consider himself a hero due to the covert nature of his career, in many ways Roland is a hero. He has an easy time making friends among the good folk of the world, receiving a -3 difficulty bonus on all Social rolls made while crafting new friendships. Dirty, villainous people are not impressed by Roland; he "stinks like a cop" to such miscreants. He suffers a +3 difficulty penalty when trying to be friendly to "bad guys".

This Resonance affects the performance of his Enlightened Science, too. Bold and direct (though not necessarily vulgar) Procedures used in the defense of others are easier: -1 difficulty to relevant Enlightenment rolls. Procedures designed to further his own material gain are harder, however: +1 difficulty to the rolls.

Static (Driven)

Roland also comes off as a determined and relentless quester. His fervor never comes into doubt, though his sensitivity and open-mindedness certainly is. He receives a -3 difficulty bonus to Social rolls in which he aims to impress his devotion to duty. But persuading others that he's willing to listen and negotiate is harder: +3 difficulty is added to such rolls.

This Resonance affects the performance of his Enlightened Science, too. Direct tracking efforts are easier, such as following a homing device to a superstitionist's Sanctum; he receives a -1 difficulty to those sorts of Enlightenment checks. But Procedures designed to conveniently and serendipitously arrange confrontations with his prey are harder: +1 difficulty to such Enlightenment rolls.


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