Unari Michi

Scientific Style & Paradigm

The tools make the man capable of more than he was. In fact, it is the invention and use of tools that seperates man from animals. And as mankind evolves, so has their technology -- perhaps mankind's evolution is a consequence and benefit of their evolving technology. Whatever the case, some tools are just beyond mundane people's understanding and ability. Unari's faith in his training and awareness of What Lies Beyond has heightened his consciousness to this next level of evolution. As his training exceeds previous limits, so does his use of Enlightened Science. He may not be an inventor of such devices, but he certainly knows how to use that beloved Technology. This, of course, is a weakness he has yet to overcome. Without his specific apparati, he is lost. He is not educated enough in the invention of hypertechnology to jury-rig some lesser tool into something greater.

Dimensional Science, of course, is his Convention and Methodology's specialty. He was instructed in the basic facts of the Dimensional Wall between this world and those beyond. He was shown to utilize the quantum field generator's sensors to sweep the area to analyze the Wall and if there are any disturbances or anomalies nearby. He was further initiated into the simple sequences of the device to produce a field of quantum energies designed to alter, manipulate, or strengthen that Wall as need determined. The small, hand-held device is typically kept on hand at all times -- he is NSC and must always be ready for related events. It is solar-powered. However, despite his education and training, he has never breached the Wall personally. Further understanding and Enlightenment may be on hold til he's allowed to do so. Curiousity is slowly itching its way into the otherwise loyal soldier's mind...

Forces was his own secondary speciality due to his Security ranking. Many field agents become proficient in this Sphere, really. A mingling of applied hyper-physics with a physiologically-attuned energy regulator is how Unari uses this science. He is taught what works and what doesn't when it comes to the realities of energy and the world it interacts in. His regulator is a small device that is actually wired into Subdermal Transponder. It is a thumbnail-sized piece of hyper-tech buried just under the skin of his back -- below the Transponder (which is located under the skin on the back of his neck). The Transponder is wired to the energy regulator. To activate it, he must activate the Transponder. He must then vocally specify which energy field he wants to affect and how. That is transmitted through the Transponder and to "Nikko", who attunes the connected regulator from his ubiquitous position. Utilizing his own bio-energy, Unari is thusly able to affect the physical realities around him for sensory purposes, electrical short-outs, and kinetic bursts.

Unari handles Mind differently than most of his other Spheres. Like many Asian superstitionists, meditation has found its way into Unari's scientific paradigm. However, he does not utilize fancy leg positions or special "energy" breathing or any of that other Akashic Brother-styled, pansy-assed crap. Through specific techniques learned from psych ops, he is able to internally calm his mind and steady his breathing. With a rational mind, he is able to examine those people and even places or things that are not so rational. Consumed by their emotions, they are easy to read. For Unari, this Sphere of study is simply heightened intuition and psychological manipulation. The manipulation part, however, is not yet in his repertoire of knowledge.

Prime is the field of science one must study if one hopes to effectually handle Primal Energy. This base energy is connected to his quantum studies, but goes beyond, and is that nebulous, formless power that defies normal physics. It is determined by its own set of physical laws. Easily channeled and stored (though never easily harvested) by trained agents with appropiate devices, Unari is happy he has this knowledge. The extra energy this science can generate has saved his ass more than once. He focuses ambient or internal Primal Energy through a small battery-like device easily hitched to a utility belt or stashed in a coat pocket. The roundish device is a polymer suspension frame filled with ionic gel, and housed in a titanium shell. There are several small buttons under a frame on the battery. First, one selects whether internal or ambient energy is to be affected. For internal uses, one must only press once to channel any extra energy stored in the battery itself. However, pressing it twice releases the fail-safe lever from the top of the battery. Pulling that releases the shell, allowing the brave agent to consume some of the gel inside the battery. It tastes horrible and is actually quite lethal -- too much can easily kill -- but it's pure power that enables the agent to use the Primal Energy of his own body, and is great for last-ditch tactics. The other primary button allows the battery to affect energy beyond. The transparent button lights up to brighter levels when used to scan an area (sweeping it over the area) or a target (pointing it at someone), depending on how much "free" Primal Energy is present. The other buttons below this one are beyond Unari's knowledge yet. He has not been declassified for that information and was sternly warned not to go playing with something he shouldn't. Unari isn't dumb enough to blindly mess with a Primal Energy device without proper instruction. He could easily cause a rip in the dimensional barriers (or just himself).


Unari perceives his Genius as an unknown sentience, perhaps far off in Deep Space, or simply enmeshed deep in the Inner Circle. It calls itself "Nikko" and transmits to him via his Subdermal Transponder, something he believes was implanted while he lay comatose. The Genius' voice is calm and soothing, and promises to help him build himself to a greater state so that one day, the Union and more importantly, humanity and the earth, can be salvaged and saved.

His psychological evaluations find him as sane as any Technocrat. His belief that the voice in his head is an actual, external entity is beneficial to keeping this agent in control. Of course, should "Nikko" start whispering anything deviant in his head, DPEM might recommend additional...processing.


Static (Dedicated)

Unari is an extremely dedicated agent to the Union and relishes his job. Persuading him to take up another life-style in or out of the Union is futile. Discussions of other future possibilities tends to aggravate the conversationalists: +3 difficulty to Social rolls during such talks. However, a -3 difficulty is applied to Social rolls that involved discussions of life-style when he is with persons of similar mind (other ice-pack NSC and MiB, for example).

Scientifically, his Dedicated Resonance invokes a +1 difficulty penalty anytime he would attempt to dissuade confrontation in his enemies through a Procedure. They know there's no reasoning with this crusader. However, a -1 difficulty is awarded to Procedures that encourage a driven nature, even maddeningly so (e.g., an Effect that invokes a berserk frenzy in a vampire or shifter).

Entropic (Icy)

Agent Michi is the consummate "ice-pack" killer. Though not mindless, if ordered to do so, he will most likely execute anyone. This leaves its print in his associative Primal Energies. Though the relation between Primal Energy, Resonance, and sociology is not yet fully understood, most accept that there is a relation. And it shows with Unari. He gives off the "vibes" of a killer. Friendly first impressions are more difficult to make; +3 difficulty to appropiate Social rolls. However, people don't mess with a trained and blooded killer; -3 difficulty to Social rolls that are made to frighten people off.

The same Resonance affects his Enlightened Science. He receives a +1 difficulty to Procedures that are made to set others at peace, heal, or alleviate pain or worry. But Science designed to more efficiently terminate the Union's enemies in a swift, cool manner (an "improved" bullet as opposed to a Forces-based explosion) receive a -1 difficulty to the rolls.


Consensual Hallucination Generator (CHG)
Level: 3
Enlightenment: 3
Primal Energy: 15
Origin: This device was given to Unari (loaned, more likely) as semi-standard equipment to NSC field agents. Cleaning up sites of deviant mischief, after all, requires some mental manipulation powers.
Description: This handy device that appears to have come right out of the Men in Black film appears to be a matte-black military flashlight. It doesn't generate much light, however.
Effects: 1) alter the memories of up to 6 quiescent subjects at once
Energy Costs: Device: 0, Effect #1: 3
Activation: Point and click. It's prudent to go on about some sort of technobabble cover story while at it.


Biomesh Armor
Type: Genetic Mod
Level: 3
Enlightenment: n/a
Primal Energy: n/a
Origin: Nanotech devices sewn into his very flesh and biologically connected to his physiology (since birth, little does he know) strengthen his resilence against external attacks of almost any sort, making him a hard agent to kill. They are self-sustained and mend like the rest of his human body does -- with time, rest, and a healthy (high vitamin) diet. Strangely, the nanotechs were dormant til his Empowerment, as if those who conceived him planned it this way. That is why he now finds himself unable to feel slight measures of pain (which can cause many problems in every day life situations; he may not realize he's burning himself on a hot pot til he sees the welt on his hand!).
Description: The internal armor is invisible to the naked eye, til one tries to pierce it.
Effects: 1) two levels of self-maintaining armor
Energy Costs: Device: 0, Effect #1: 0
Activation: None required, it is a natural part of his body.

Extrasensory Access
Type: Genetic Mod
Level: 1
Enlightenment: n/a
Primal Energy: n/a
Origin: Likewise instilled since birth, his eyes were altered with genetically-modified tissue that perfectly cooperate with microscopic nanoids. The bio-machines analyze everything for its stresses, weaknesses, and pressure points. The collected data is instantly transmitted through the same routes optometric feedback is sent to the brain. Unari is thereby effectively able to recognize and exploit weaknesses in his enemies. However, this access may be modifiable should he ever learn Entropy. The pigmentation of his eyes, however, were invariably altered as well as a result of this genetic modification. The color didn't change to its diabolic black til the dormant nanoids were activated with his Empowerment. This is the reason he always wears mirrorshades.
Description: Black, black eyes are pretty scary. Nephandi may make the painful mistake in believing that he's either one of them or easily lured into corruption by this "stigmata".
Effects: 1) scan for a target for exploitable flaws and weaknesses to inflict extra damage
Energy Costs: Device: 0, Effect #1: 0
Activation: Gaze at something til the weakness is perceived and identified.

Subdermal Transponder
Type: Cybernetic Implant
Level: 1
Enlightenment: 1
Primal Energy: n/a
Origin: This device was actually implanted and wired to his physiological system after, not before, his birth. However, it too lay "dormant" til his Empowerment in '94. It now provides a steady line of communication between he and his superiors -- and more importantly, his Genius. This is actually a very exploitable weakness for Unari. Should the device be destroyed, he would be at least temporarily cut off from his Genius, and the shock would make him unable to utilize his Enlightened Science. He'd be dependant on Devices til he somehow reestablished contact with "Nikko". Also, although he doesn't complain, the transmitted voices in his head give him horrid headaches sometimes.
Description: This tiny, implanted device is located in the back of his neck, attached to the spine. It is electronically connected to his nanoid systems as well.
Effects: 1)
Energy Costs: Device: 0, Effect #1: a dedicated, hard-to-detect radio transmission
Activation: Talk or listen -- that's all that's needed.


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