Jeffrey Miller

Scientific Style & Paradigm

To Jeff, it's all about self-improvement: financially and personally. To hell with everyone else! Let other people achieve for themselves and earn their own rewards. And Jeff whole-heartedly believes in an aggressive meritocracy. Extraordinary efforts earn extraordinary rewards. And most often, those rewards must be taken since few people are willing to give.

Beyond the idea of taking what one deserves, scientifically Jeff is fairly straightforward. He acknowledges and studies basic concepts of science, but focuses on applicable as opposed to academic sciences. For example, his interest in physics tends to stop at where logistic trajectories of bullets are concerned. At the least, Jeff recognizes that just about anything is possible with science these days. But most people (Sleepers) are too dull and vacant, fools who couldn't understand if they tried.

And it's giving into that kind of mediocrity that causes Paradox, Jeff rationalizes. And where Paradox is a consequence of Sleepers' apathy, Primal Energy is just another science they don't get. There's nothing magical about it. Sleepers just can't figure it out, or perhaps more that their dull minds won't figure it out. Clearly, Jeff's disdain of the unEnlightenment is fairly broad, although he accepts that there are always exceptions. Luckily for him, however, his approach to Enlightened Science is easier so long as the Masses are oblivious.

And while nobody pays attention, everybody takes technology for granted. For example, fiberwires and telephone wires go everywhere. The influence of A/V hovers over an oblivious society. Who says a person can't be watched through their own television or computer monitor? Who says people aren't listening in on every telephone call? Even more improbable to the Masses is the possibility that matter -- living or inorganic -- could transfer through those wires as easily as electricity. Who knows what Sleepers would do if it were possible for certain people to manipulate their lives from beyond their reach? Jeff could actually be one of those people behind his computer and the use of secret Syndicate surveillence and transmission software, also called the Sphere of Correspondence.

If a man has a go-getter enough mind, he can puzzle through anything. The confusing webs of order and chaos, truth and lies, strength and weakness, can all be laid bare to the logical mind. Through deductive analysis, Jeff can decipher the secrets of Entropy and push events towards the outcomes he desires.

With all the science in humanity's grasp, the fact is that all forms of energy are within mankind's control, too. Nuclear is probably the most powerful form of energy at mankind's disposal, but no force should be taken for granted. Still, nuclear energy is a foundation of all other forces. With the correct and proven devices, nuclear power can tap and affect all other physical energies. Of course, Jeff's favorite sort of nuclear devices come in the form of special firearms. Often, these are normal weapons with nuclear batteries attached, and thereby can Jeff control the Sphere of Forces.

Like many other Enlightened Sciences, the Sphere of Matter eludes the comprehension of Sleepers. Advanced chemical equations -- not alchemy, but advancements beyond the ken of the unEnlightened -- can affect non-living material in startling, transmutive fashion. Jeff confesses he's but a dabbler in chemistry, but he pragmatically applies the discoveries of other Technocrats. The correct equations and chemical designs allow him to craft a variety of unusual compounds and material effects.

Adjusting the minds of other people, who so often strive for nothing more than mediocrity, is not difficult. And Jeff lacks all compunctions about taking advantage of these psychological realities for his own self-empowerment and success. Why weep over blind sheep, that's what Jeff says. Through behavioral analysis, strategic deceit, and cunning propaganda, Jeff is able to affect people on even deep, subconscious levels. By asserting what apathetic minds already want to accept anyway, Jeff can win the hearts and minds of friend and foe alike. The Sphere of Mind was always Jeff's specialty: the antipathy and apathy of humanity permits men like Jeffrey Miller to rise above as kings.

Primal Energy is yet another force humanity does not recognize or barely so at best. Primal Energy, being a primordial force that standard physics do not explain, requires a slightly different approach. The science involved is quite technical, but Jeff understands the underlying concepts, enabling him to maximize efficient use of related devices. A primal resonator device is what Jeff uses to influence the Sphere of Prime. This hand-held generator gathers and then emits tiny particles of Primal Energy from the world around when commanded. The resonator's tiny, dedicated hard-drive computer processes and calculates the quantity and resonance of all Primal Energy that Jeff uses it to handle. This isn't science fiction. This is science fact, and the Masses just don't get it yet.

By Jeff's education, the Masses don't understand a lot yet, even things pure logic could decipher. Like the Sphere of Entropy, Time is the Sphere of predictable and probable events. In many ways, Jeff doesn't differentiate between Entropy and Time. Deductive analysis is also key to affecting Adjustments of Time, too. Some say Entropy is a Sphere of fortune, but luck doesn't exist to Jeff's mind. Everything can be predetermined, especially since free will -- even if it does exist -- is a fantasy in a world overrun with apathetic losers.


Jeffrey Miller is not an overconfident buffoon. In his mind, he aspires to perfection, but knows he isn't there yet. In his mind's eye, he never makes mistakes. He's always moving and advancing himself. He's never stuck or fettered to one idea or plan. Innovation defines his action, demonstrating his dynamic talent and intuition. Jeff's Genius takes no strange vision or voice in his mind. It just rides him as ambition and aspiration. Those ambitions, Jeff fears, will one day run him afoul of the Union or even his own Convention. And that is how he will die, he suspects: murdered by fellow Syndicate cleaners. The jealous fools! But he contents himself with the resolve to put one helluva dent in their operations in return, should that day ever dawn.


Dynamic (Bloody Swath)

Jeffrey Miller is a veteran hit man. He can boast dozens of contracted kills around the world, and it’s known that his ruthlessness was key to his success. This makes it easier to terrify people: he receives a -3 difficulty on rolls for violent Intimidation. Genteel (and gentle) methods of persuasion are harder for the man: +3 difficulty to related rolls.

In practice, Adjustments used to directly knock enemies out of the way are easier: -1 difficulty to Enlightenment checks. Adjustments designed to indirectly remove such obstacles are harder: +1 difficulty to such checks. Jeff will probably always be nothing more than a Syndicate Enforcer.

Entropic (Apathetic)

Jeff just doesn't give a damn at all and this echoes in his every word and deed. He finds it easier to manage the day-to-day affairs of his bloody business -- -3 difficulty to related Social rolls. But trying to sympathize and be a "shoulder to cry on" for others is harder: +3 difficulty to those Social rolls.

This Resonance has an unsurprising influence on his Adjustments. Effects that play on a crowd's apathy are easier (-1 difficulty to Enlightenment checks). But Adjustments designed to garner sympathy to a person, place, or thing are harder to execute (+1 difficulty to those Enlightenment rolls).

Static (Crafty)

Jeffrey is a clever and tricky man. He always has an ace hidden up his sleeve. People can intuitively sense this about the man and never take him for granted. That makes it easier for him to tell lies (-3 difficulty to related Subterfuge rolls) as opposed to trying to impress the truth on his listeners (+3 difficulty to those sorts of Social checks).

And this has an obvious effect on his Enlightened Science, too. Adjustments that are easily anticipated and expected are harder for Jeff to pull off in the first place (+1 difficulty to Enlightenment rolls). On the other hand, those Effects that come out of left field so to speak, Adjustments that the recipients never expected, are easier for Jeff to enact: -1 difficulty to those Enlightenment checks.


Fusion Plasma Caster 4
Level: 4
Enlightenment: 4
Primal Energy: 20
Origin: This "nuke gun" was acquired "on loan" from SPD (Special Project Division) while Jeff deals with "larger threats". Of course, Jeff isn't actively hunting any RDs that would warrant this kind of firepower. But he has a personal interest in nuclear power and wields what influence he has in the local Symposium to keep the FPC-4 as long as possible. The Union seems in no hurry to strip him of the weapon either. Little does he realize that this is one of the few uncorrupted devices to emerge from the Syndicate's Special Projects Division, and that it may play some role in the ongoing top secret Project: Invictus.
Description: This weapon bears the resemblance of a long black box, crafted of carbon steel and fitted with a number of tiny switches and buttons. The FPC-4 has a dual grip and a hair trigger safety measure. It was designed to be shoulder-fired. The rear opens to reveal an opaque sphere of nuclear fusion design. When discharged, an almost glob-like mass of fiery plasma is ejected at breakneck speed, typically incinerating whatever it strikes. This isn't a toy and it ain't your granddaddy's shotgun.
Effects: 1) Discharge a glob of superheated plasma and pretty much melt whatever it hits (yes, this is vulgar as hell).
Primal Energy Costs: Device: 2, Effect #1: 1
Activation: Jeff must flick and press three different switches and buttons to prime up the device and release safeties before he can discharge the weapon to the extent of its ammunition.

The JM Penthouse (Laboratory)

~Atop the suites of the White Wasp offices rests the penthouse of the Maxium Tower. That penthouse is accessible only by one coded elevator that blends in almost perfectly to the lobby wall. It opens to a spacious and conspicuous affair. Whereas its owner may prize anonymity in public, in private he "lets it all hang out" -- all the wealth, the splendor, and the opulence. Jeffrey Miller revels in his money here, from the spa to the imperial-sized bed, from the full-sized kitchen with black granite counters to the multimedia-laden living room. Those he entertains can take a soothing bath, relax on his massage table, prepare and devour a gourmet dinner, catch up with Jim Cramer, or play Xbox. Decorations celebrate virility and power. Images of mustangs in various mediums are especially common throughout the apartment. And in every nook and cranny, Jeff has stored and stocked personal computerized devices, guns, and other hold-out weapons and technology. Just in case some asshole thinks he's got Jeff's (unlisted) number.~

OOC: Cloaking 4


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