Hadrian Jasper

Scientific Style & Paradigm

Everything fundamentally originates with certain simple equations. The idea that actions breed consequences is the main temper to Hadrian's tattered morality now. More pragmatically, precision brings more intense success than raw mass and force ever can. When a rod is wielded against an enemy, what hurts more: to strike with the length of the shaft or to strike with the tip? Where is more power focused?

These concepts apply to Hadrian's Enlightened Science, too. With the correct comprehension of science and technology, and the most practical application of those facts and tools, the results are even greater than naked will or strength. Hadrian is not really a scientist, except in that he recognizes that he's a field applicant of advanced theories and technologies. And he depends on those hypertechnologies to fulfill the role of protecting human from the Things Beyond.

The scientific rules on Earth, Hadrian is learning first-hand, work differently than what he's accustomed to in Outerspace. Paradox, he originally learned, was the result of executing the right action for the wrong reason, or the wrong action for the right reason. But what he's really learning is that simply put things screw up. It's an inevitable part of life that things don't go as planned. Luckily, Hadrian possesses an assertive mind for a space marine. No average jarhead here, he's not content to merely be a guinea pig for the Convention. He goes out on a limb, testing his own equipment (to insure it won't blow up in his face at an inconvenient time), and generally taking the initiative. That's what makes him Enlightened: his desire to know, to do.

And Hadrian knows and does much to make himself a more efficient. A cornerstone of his entire methodology is the Technocratic "resonator". These small devices draw in, manipulate, and discharge tiny particles of Primal Energy -- a physical source of energy that unEnlightened Earth scientists have yet to recognize. Depending on the calibration and design of the resonator in question, this tiny amount of Primal Energy then starts chain reactions in the subatomic structure of the world around, affecting subtle or fantastic changes in the environment or even within the body. Hadrian has made much headway with capitalizing on the combat efficiency of these hand-held devices, apparati he keeps on his person on his web belt at all times, such as those connected to the Spheres of Forces and Prime.

And Hadrian also employs a remote dimensional resonator (RDR) for the Void Engineers' specialty, Dimensional Science. There are dimensions beyond those known on Earth, and they are spatial not spiritual or demonic. In fact, they can all be reached if one travels far enough through Outerspace. But dimensional warps make such long distance travel unnecessary. These warps are more common than most recognize and frequent even the surface of Earth. Of course, they are not usually noticeable without highly advanced equipment. Hadrian's remote taps into Void Engineer satellites orbiting the Earth that instantly beam controlled particles of extra-dimensional energy back into his resonator. From there, he can cause ripples in local fields of Primal Energy, manipulating dimensional warps in the manner he needs.

As mentioned before, Hadrian uses a resonator for the Sphere of Forces, too. However, this one does not require a remote link to distant Convention technology (like satellites). Instead, Hadrian must link a physical resonance converter (PRC) to his Vibroblade implants. The resonators are typically strapped to his arms, connected to his cybernetic enhancements (whether he's using them at the moment or not) with slender but reinforced cables especially designed for the transfer of Primal Energy. Depending on the calibrations he makes, the Primal Energy particles siphoned from the Vibroblades ripple through forces as simple as base kinetic energy or as complex as radiation. It all depends on what sort of physical forces Hadrian learns his converters can transmute…and often, what energies his body can withstand.

Not all of his Enlightened Science is based on resonator devices. The Sphere of Life, a vital component of all of Hadrian's military efforts, depends instead on advanced medpacks that his Convention supplies. Hadrian's own medpacks are not the standard kit: he's added and subtracted those medical instruments that work well or poorly for him in the field. Of course, the mending of wounds isn't the only purpose of his medpacks. Used improperly (improperly on purpose, that is!), some of the advanced chemical compounds and pharmaceuticals can become poisons or even catalysts of shocking transformation.

The Sphere of Mind is another example of Enlightened Science that doesn't require Hadrian whipping out a resonator device to effect. As common of this Sphere for most Technocrats, Hadrian's apparatus is quite subtle. The science of the mind, psychology, gave birth to a variety of practical and utilitarian methodologies. For Hadrian, the tried and true approaches of psychological warfare employ deceit and propaganda tricks and browbeats, to defeat enemies before the first blows are even thrown. And these techniques work during times of peace, too, allowing Hadrian to manipulate strangers and allies as well.

Finally, the Sphere of Prime ranks among Hadrian's Enlightened knowledge. Like Dimensional Science, to affect Primal Energy itself he must use a remote primal resonator (RPR). This taps into a Void Engineer satellite, and ultimately functions just like his remote dimensional resonator. It even looks a lot like the RDR. The difference is that the little light on the remote is red instead of green. Mixing one's resonators up could cause quite a mess (or at least provide a bit of amusement).


The inner push that drives Hadrian Jasper to excel is a vision of the most remote reaches of space: Deep Space, nothing but stars. He knows they hold all kinds of possibilities. Yet he's also repulsed by fear of the alien things that dwell out there. The horror Hadrian understands that those monsters would plan for humanity is enough to make him want to kill them all. The knowledge that he will most likely die fighting aliens is what drives Hadrian. He will not settle for anything less than dying in combat against the worst monstrosities of all.


Dynamic (Tremoring)

Like the fundamental apparati of Hadrian's entire scientific bent, the man himself is resonating all the time. The echoes of his past and future deeds can shake others to the bone. Hadrian can readily express the impact that his deeds may have on the universe, gaining a -3 difficulty to related Social rolls. Consequently, he has a harder time trying to masquerade as a "nobody" or common grunt, suffering a +3 difficulty to those sorts of Social rolls.

Procedures that deal with sharp motion, such as a Forces Effect designed to cause a minor earthquake, are easier for Hadrian's resonators -- he gains a -1 difficulty to those Enlightenment rolls. But Procedures aimed at effecting stillness are more difficult for the space marine, inflicting a +1 difficulty on related Enlightenment checks.

Entropic (Genocidal)

Hadrian also clearly comes off as the killer he is. He's a mass murderer…sure, most of the lives he's snuffed out were weird multi-limbed alien freaks. But a killer's a killer and his bloodless, merciless nature radiates from within. Hadrian has an easier time terrifying others, gaining a -3 difficulty to Intimidation rolls. Making friends is unsurprisingly harder for the space marine. Hadrian suffers a +3 difficulty to all related Social rolls.

Scientifically, any Procedures aimed at destruction of a person, place, or thing are easier, offering a -1 difficulty to such Enlightenment rolls. Conversely, mending or healing a person, place, or thing is tougher, delivering a +1 difficulty penalty to Enlightenment rolls.


G42 "Raptor" Vibroblades
Type: Cybernetic Implant
Level: 3
Enlightenment: 3
Primal Energy: 15
Origin: The G42 "Raptor" Vibroblades were installed in Hadrian as part of his unit's special "superiority" training. He paid for them by participation in that unit and suffering through its disastrous campaign.
Description: These frightening implants are concealed within Hadrian's arms, from just below the elbows to the tips of the first knuckles. Upon activation, one or both arms spring these razor-thin and incredibly sharp (kept so by microscopic nanotech whetting modules that inhabit the edges) blades that seem to be bone-white. Four sprout from each arm. They extend six inches past the knuckles and whir like a food processor. They also shred like a food processor, and Hadrian's whole body seems to tremble when he stands still and the Vibroblades are activated. Indeed, radioactive energies behind this Enhancement leak through Hadrian's whole body, slowly poisoning him and insuring an earlier-than-normal demise (if he isn't killed in battle first).
Effects: 1) shred anything they come into contact with
Energy Costs: Device: 1, Effect #1: 0
Activation: Cybernetic installation linked the implant to nervous co-axials, allowing Hadrian to unsheathe and activate the Raptors with a mere conscious thought.

Skeletal Enhancement
Type: Cybernetic Implant
Level: 1
Enlightenment: 0
Primal Energy: n/a
Origin: Before the Vibroblades could be installed, Hadrian had to suffer the arduous process of receiving this cybernetic upgrade first.
Description: Invisible to the naked eye and troubling to a radiologist who manages to X-ray Hadrian, this implant actually coated every inch of his external bone structure with a "living alloy". This organic metal was innovated by the best BioMechanics and toughens this space marine right up. Alas, even this organic metal can conflict with the human body, causing spontaneous, brief but painful rejection.
Effects: 1) provide an extra "Bruised" Health Level; 2) keep Hadrian in one piece when he activates his Vibroblades
Energy Costs: Device: 0, Effect #1: 0; Effect #2: 0
Activation: No activation process is necessary; the benefit of this Enhancement is always in effect.


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