Phoebe Cotes

Security, Code Nine
Border Corps Division
Grounded at HQ #WV3200

Alpha Corps, 7th Division
Assigned to the "Stormcrasher"
"Hurricane Class" Galactic Defense Unit
Gunnery Sergeant 2nd-class, Rapid-Response Team #144 ("Hellcats")


Height: 5'9"
Weight: 140 lb.
Ethnicity: Mixed (Black/Hispanic)
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Long braided or pigtail black
Clothing: Black and gray casual
Comportment/Cadence: Confident
Distinctions: Phoebe is strikingly beautiful, though even that fails to take away from how stinking drunk she likely is; yet, despite how much she puts away and stumbles about, she almost never falls over;
Supernatural Qualities: Perhaps due to her inebriation, she is often overlooked and ignored out of a sense of public shame
Accoutrements: Light jewelry, bottle of rot-gut cheap alcohol
Traits: Appearance 5 (imposing); Style 1; Cloaking 3

"'s not the most horrible thing I've ever seen. Pass the vodka."


Date of Birth: June 18th, 1986
Home: Vesta 12 Starbase, The Asteroid Belt, Sol System
Family: Unknown
Empowerment: Preordainment (Phoebe was a test-tube baby produced on a Void Engineer starbase, genetically engineered to become a fighter, a warrior for the Union in its Shard Realm conquests; she grew up naturally, "programmed" since birth for war both in mind and body, such that when puberty began, so did her genetically designed nanotech implants "turn on" and gradually came under her conscious control), 2002
Mentor: Mack Lowdry
The Test: Trial by Combat (her training branched out into more military extraterrestial tasks, turning her into the ultimate "space marine"; this included private and specific training to help her focus conscious control over her nano implants; overall, however, her training, like her life, was in a crazy often low or even zero-G environment in space that Sleepers never experienced or even knew existed)
Comrades: Hadrian Jasper, Mai Reizei
Key Event #1: War (once she finished her training and was deemed ready, the Convention transferred her to the Front Lines of the Void, having her fight first on the fringes of the Plutonic Shard Realm, joining a famous team of fellow space marines code-named the Hellcats; there, she cut her teeth battling the Nephandi's horrifying Deep Space forces of alien and monstrous dread; she and her team acquitted themselves well)
Key Event #2: War (too well: the Hellcats were eventually decimated by the wrath of a single Aswadim Nephandi mage; she barely escaped by starship after calling in a nuke strike that may or may have not obliterated the Fallen mage)
Transition: Defeat (her team wiped out, barely surviving herself, she felt traumatized and lost, and the Convention grounded her to give her time to recover; but she turned more and more to booze to cope, her nanotech implants only delaying the deleterious long-term effects of alcohol)

One-Woman Dayroom (Laboratory)

Location: Rolling Hills, Kansas City, Missouri, United States
Structure: Bunker
Stock: A full bar; nano-tech recharge station
Traits: Cloaking 2

Significant Others

Names: Hadrian Jasper, Mai Reizei; 2012
Nature: Erotic



Boozy Doozy

Phoebe has seen some shit, let her tell you. But she won't. She'll take one last swig straight from her bottle of bootleg rum and finally pass out.

Likelihood of Corruption


Her upbringing and training include heavy ethics education. But she's drunk a lot, so...


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