Cammie Beauvais

Preceptor of the Militia Christi
Templar of the Crossroads Chantry
Senior Voice of the Congregation of Abundant Refrains
Archimandrate Dioecesis Kansanopolitanae–Sancti Josephi


Height: 5'8"
Weight: 152 lb.
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Medium simple blonde
Clothing: Red or black business casual
Comportment/Cadence: Reserved
Distinctions: Attractive woman in her 40s with a keen sense of fashion and noble heritage
Supernatural Qualities: Her vibrancy fades easily into a crowd
Accoutrements: Light jewelry
Traits: Appearance 4 (luminous); Style 2; Arcane 4

"Please do not assume you know how this will all go."


Date of Birth: February 2nd, 1959
Home: Orleans, Centre-Val de Loire, France
Family: Sebastien and Ghyslaine Icaune (parents), Gilbert (older brother); Camille Icaune (birth name)
The Awakening: Preordainment (middle-class family that kept head down during the war; she was raised very religious, and always enjoyed the ritualism of the Catholic Church; but in her adolescence, she began to have visions of life in ancient Israel and herself as Mary Magdalene, but Cammie kept this to herself throughout youth, and eventually went to seminary in Orleans, and there she continued to keep her visions to herself until a desperate prayer for peace in the chapel resulted in an omen that literally shook the earth), 1974
Mentor: Maximilien de Yonne
The Test: Trial by Wit (modern Templars approached her after that chapel incident and questioned her; she finally confessed about her visions, but they believed her and took her to Notre Dame to complete her theological studies, and the Templar Masters already informed her that her visions seemed to be genuine: direct connections to Mary Magdalene, so she accepted this destined role and studied and trained hard there)
Comrades: Maximilien de Yonne, Jacques Demaret, Marcel Vasseur, Lucien Gaspar
Key Event #1: Treachery (even at Notre Dame, demons dared to whisper in her ear to pollute and shake her faith in who she was, what role she had to play, and the mission of the Militia Christi in general; however, she already commanded a keenly rational and skeptical mind, and found their deceitful arguments specious and weak)
Key Event #2: Awe & Wonder (Cammie trained and studied harder and harder over the years, living life as a laywoman at the grand cathedral, duties and devotions serving to help drown out the diabolic lies)
Key Event #3: War (the danger she posed to the forces of Hell saw the undead act first: the unknown vampire elders or leaders dispatched assassins to locate and murder this "promised one"); Cammie resisted the attacks, but saw too many fellow Templars perish bravely in her defense)
Key Event #4: War (Cammie advocated hiding from the world until the time was ripe for her return; the Templars agreed and hid her in the Belle Eau Abbey--a small Templar Horizon Realm constructed on and through the ruins of the real-world cloister; unfortunately, the forces of Hell marshaled again, evidently drawn to the destiny that Cammie represented, and they laid siege to the small realm)
Key Event #5: Personal Tragedy (the Belle Eau Abbey was overrun, many knights and their allies perishing, all to usher Cammie back out of the realm and keep her safe and alive; more and more, she felt like she was being treated like some sort of saint when she hadn't even done anything yet)
Transition: Loss of Companions (the Order was more agreed to help her stay hidden, and sent her abroad to the USA, in the hopes that the demons and undead would not be aware of her distant retreat; she was assigned the smallest of security details, a lone knight, and left to her own devices thereafter in preparation for Armageddon, and the key role she will play in it)

Locus Sussuratio (Sanctum)

Location: Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Kansas City, Missouri, United States
Structure: Shrine
Stock: Cloister adjacent to the refectory; wooden pews, grand crucifix, statue of Saint Mary, very stately chamber designed for prayer and reflection
Traits: Arcane 4

Significant Other

Name: Sir Lucien Gaspar; 2005
Nature: Romantic

Sir Lucien

Price to Yet Pay

Cammie is not a blind zealot at all. In fact, she can be quite skeptical of...all of this. Yet, in her heart she knows the key ideas are true. That's what scares her. She knows, in the end, God will claim her body and soul.

Likelihood of Corruption

Very low.

She may not be empowered by True Faith, but she makes up for it with knowledge, savvy of her foes, and her wits in general.


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