Aidan Vance

Senior of the Anagnosi
Lunargent of the Solificati
Adept of the Crossroads Chantry


~Severe and conservative style depict Dr. Aidan Vance's attire and approach. The Caucasian gentleman waxes his early 30s with a quiet and calm sort of detachment. Calculative blue eyes evaluate the world as he approaches with even and unfaltering steps. Aidan does not dare to touch or adjust his short, blonde hair. It was carefully crafted into an austere fashion, complete with part. Despite his cool veneer, he's a fairly attractive man, his smooth features unblemished and masculinely shaped. Aidan looks almost too perfect, as if the slightest disturbance would damage his immaculate repose. Withdrawn and thoughtful, he bears a proud history and knowledge with secretive silence.~

OOC: Appearance 3; Arcane 3

"Perfection of mind brings perfection of form."


Biology and chemistry always thrived in the life of Aidan Vance. Born in Topeka in 1975, Aidan got to enjoy a well-off upbringing. He was the only child of a pharmacist and registered nurse, Camden and Stephanie Vance. Aidan entertained himself at home alone most often, due to his parents' busy careers. Though science fiction was enjoyable, Aidan fell in love with chemistry from an early start. Biology likewise piqued Aidan's interest.

But chemistry was always Aidan's greater love. He demonstrated an uncanny command over his experimental concoctions with his home chemistry set. On several occasions, he unnerved his father, and a rash act on Aidan's dad part sent the man to the ER for chemical burn. Aidan was never hurt; indeed, Aidan exerted a mature, cool, calm, and collected attitude at all times. His parents instilled a sense of excellent work ethic in their son. Moral values were also encouraged, yet Aidan remained lost in the reality of malleable chemical equations.

As good-looking as Aidan proved, he was too much of a geek to have many friends or even a girlfriend through high school. College didn't change much at first. Aidan attended Topeka University and studied hard. Finally, at a school counselor's advice, he decided to try his hand at normal socialization. Aidan went to a local dance club called "The Sacrifice". Aidan didn't even try his hand at the dance floor, of course. He sat at the bar and had a somber drink or two (no, he wasn't carded despite looking his age of 19).

The club owner, Virgil Drax, could tell that Aidan was a geek. Aidan acquainted Virgil with brief conversation about the chemistry of alcohol. Then Virgil invited Aidan into the back room to try a "special elixir". Already a touch drunk, Aidan agreed. As soon as he tasted the sweet, syrupy concoction, his eyes shot wide open. Aidan could see everything: energy fields, structural integrity of the matter around him, and even the pumping circulatory systems of the people in the club. At first, Aidan feared that he'd been drugged. The woozy, dreamy sensations left Aidan after a short while, however. Yet...Aidan could still see everything!

Well, Virgil was shocked but pleasantly surprised. He pulled the young college student aside again. Aidan learned that the owner was actually an alchemist and member of a secret society of alchemists known as the Solificati. The group wasn't just a bunch of weirdo occultists, but brilliant scientists who pushed and expanded their research beyond the accepted norms of discovery and comprehension. Awareness was the key Virgil explained as the vital difference between they and the rest of the sleeping human race. Aidan was now aware of the nature of the real world and the power of nature. If Aidan wanted to learn how to develop his knowledge beyond the mundane, he would have to visit Virgil and learn from him as his most important professor.

The recognition that there was a whole world hidden just past the periphery of his awareness stirred Aidan. He felt stirred as he once was especially when "playing" with his chemistry set. So Aidan went to "The Sacrifice" almost every night to learn from Virgil Drax. Aidan still went to his university classes, since he pursued a doctorate in biochemistry. He definitely had no time for a social life now!

Yet under Virgil Drax's guidance, Aidan came to understand the complicated and often metaphysical facts, rules, and theories of alchemy. He learned quickly and revealed natural aptitude for the various alchemical procedures Virgil taught. Aidan was also exposed to the ugly reality of the Hidden World. Menaces to humanity they mostly were, Virgil warned. He referred to the vampires and werewolves whose unusual energy fields drew Aidan's attention in the club. While Virgil kept him safe during his mentorship, Aidan wondered what all these creatures were there for. They mixed into humanity well. Did they have parts to play or were they just spare parts? Aidan didn't know. But he decided all of mankind needed to Awaken as he did and recognize the danger of the world.

Interest in the "special elixir" Virgil fed him back in '94, Aidan focused his college thesis on the danger that long-term effects of hallucinogens could have. The reviewing panel found his work almost questionable. After all, some of Aidan's research was based on the interviews and biological samples taken from users of LSD and similar drugs. But Aidan's logic was sound and the efforts were bold. Meanwhile, Aidan took a final exam for entrance into the Solificati. Through both paperwork and laboratory work, Aidan demonstrated his comprehension of advanced alchemies and perfect application of scientific formulae. Aidan also had to write a thesis of purpose. In that paper, the young apprentice wrote of his hope and intention to help advance the cause of the Great Awakening -- when the Solificati aid all the sleeping world to awaken to the truth of reality. Aidan claimed, "Man needs to see the world with open eyes, even if his eyes aren't opened all the way". Aidan referred to psychic phenomena some very rare and few humans evinced. Aidan wanted to discover a way to at least induce that much of a mental evolution in his fellow man.

With his doctorate in biochemistry and recognized membership of the secret Solificati, Aidan was ready to follow his Path. He received many job offers. Though his qualifications opened any number of doors for Aidan, he accepted a teaching job in Kansas City at Central High School. Aidan realized that the biochemistry of adolescents was at its most mercurial and malleable point. This insight offered Aidan a huge group of experimental subjects, for teenagers were the easiest to exploit and potentially provoke the Great Awakening. After moving to a nice little suburban home, Aidan joined the Crossroads Chantry. This conglomerate of "magickal Traditions" disliked his Solificati society (for historical reasons Aidan found irrelevant and illogical in modern context). So at Virgil's insistence, Aidan masqueraded as an Orphan whose beliefs entailed alchemy. Aidan suspected that the knowledgeable (if overopinionated) Order of Hermes knew his true allegiance. But if so, there was no rancor.

So Aidan focused on establishing himself in town. A common alchemical procedure, turning lead to gold, covered Aidan's financial needs with modest applications. He didn't want to draw the attention of the fascist Technocracy, after all. Aidan built his own special lab in his basement. He knew he had a lot of work to do and research to pursue, if he wanted to be published in the Solificati. When his colleagues read and approved of his work, he would get promoted and exposed to deeper mysteries of true alchemy.

Thus, Aidan began with the current trend: Extasy. He watched the impact the relatively new drug had on his students. He made backroom deals with ravers and drug addicts (usually just for better and passing grades). Aidan fed some of these guinea pigs with homegrown versions of X mingled with some "special elixirs" of his own design. He received mixed results: some liked the "high" effects and some did not. After a few years of gathering data, Aidan sent his collective work to Virgil and all other Solificati. His published works received praise for his middle-of-the-road approach to traditional alchemy and modern drug designs: most of his fellow alchemists apparently favored one or the other. Aidan received his promotion and earned initiation into formulae with far more intensive (and potentially vulgar) effects.

The thirty year old took his findings and new knowledge to the next level. Aidan focused on trying to spark even a small measure of higher awareness in his youthful subjects. But he needed more wholesome participants. The senses of common drug users were damaged and dulled. While Aidan didn't overlook the ethics of experimenting on his high school students, progress waited on no one. Aidan began his search for the right mind, right body, right person...and time felt like it was running short. Failure was not an option.

Coriander Laboratory (Sanctum)

~Aidan's small house on Coriander Drive is located in the suburbs west of Kansas City. On the outside, like all homes in the neighborhood, he appeared to be a well-to-do bachelor living a quiet private life. The inside of his house testifies to this charade, too, but the off-limits cellar tells another story. Down linoleum-tiled steps one finds a finished basement complete with functional plumbing and lighting. But something much more...substantial is here. Here is found Aidan's secret laboratory, where he conducts countless experiments and mixes infinite concoctions of alchemical nature.

The floor is layered entirely in macadam material. The ceiling boasts soundproof panels while the walls are covered in a bone-white material that repels all stains and foreign material. Installed on each of the lab's four walls is a unique ventilation system that filters out foreign substances from the air and recycles normal atmosphere back inside. The walls are also decorated with a host of astrological, anatomical, botanical, and chemical maps and charts. Of course, not all the walls are visible. Many shelves lined with books stand against the walls on every side of the lab. Those books detail matters both logical and mythical, the mundane and magical.

Across from the stairs, centered near the wall, stands Aidan's desk. The large oak table supports a number of stacks of papers and journals. A note ledger rests across the front of the desk before his matching chair. The laboratory contains several other tables, too. All of them are stacked and covered in a variety of carefully-set up chemistry equipment. Beakers, vials, hosts of containers of various substances liquid, solid, and gas -- command the basement's appearance. Some of those glass containers seem fairly normal in use. Others wind with spiraling glass tubes that encompass several dozen feet and seems to have no exoteric application. The whole lab comes across as a secret chemist's haven. It invokes images of modern sterility and archaic genius at the same time. This is the workshop of a Solificati genius.~

OOC: Arcane 2

Significant Other

Aidan met Ashley Draff when she attended his 10th grade biology classes. The sophomore cheerleader impressed Aidan with her excellent grasp of advanced theories. He decided to use her as a guinea pig for one of his experimental eye-opening compounds. The girl's infatuation with her teacher proved to be helpful. For Aidan discovered that his compound did somehow stir her subconscious potential. He's not sure she will Awaken yet, but he decided to indulge in her infatuations despite the stigma he could suffer as a pedophile. He likes Ashley anyway, and intends to keep her around as a lab assistant at the very least. No one has to know about their relationship...



Like the beakers in his alchemy labs, Aidan is fragile. Everything must be perfect for him. Of course, his perfectionist streak grants him a good drive and ambition. But it can backfire quite often, as he fails to reach his high standards and loses hope. Indeed, by aiming too high, he can miss altogether.

Likelihood of Corruption


Though cautious and learned, Aidan carries the arrogance all Solificati do. As with Heylel, that pride could be his downfall.


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