Unari Michi

NSC Enforcer
Kitakai no Gunjin
Outpost LA0999: Security


~Unari imposes authority and order wherever he goes. The late 20s-ish Japanese man stands almost six feet and fills out his clothing with packed muscle, not raging brawn. He is most often found in a pair of black urban BDU slacks, black all-terrain boots, and black tank top. His torso is usually protected by a comfortably thin but live-saving Kevlar vest -- also black. Over it all, he usually wears a (black, duh!) leather duster. A pair of black mirror-shades completes the ensemble; he practically screams "fed!", which is probably the point. His black hair is kept traditionally short and usually swept back in meticulous place. His exposed skin demonstrates his healthy physique, with little or no blemish. But that's about all that can be said of his cold face that makes most want to forget they ever had to deal with him.~

OOC: Appearance 2; Cloaking 2; Confidence

"Here it comes. Better take cover."



Unari does not remember his childhood except in brief flashes. He remembers an academic or dormitory-like environment and that's all. He also knows that Unari is not his real name, just a current alias. And quite frankly, he didn't care. He matured quickly and accepts his life. He serves the Subtle Thunders loyally, a strong believer in giri and the goals of the Union.

Unari was educated in a state-run private school as an orphan, that much he remembers. He remembers his classes in science, computer technology, and general academics. But he never much favored any of it, even though he never gave up the childish fantasy of visiting outer space and alien planets. Little did he know, though, that he was always being watched. The Void Engineers were just biding their time, til his mind and body had both matured. Though attentive to his studies, he was never a fantastic student. He always demonstrated far better aptitudes in more physical activities, particularly physical education. Even so, numbering the school as a "jock", Unari never had many friends. He failed to smile. Ever. And consequently, many of his peers found him too creepy.


When he graduated at age eighteen, he received a surprising scholarship. The University of Nippon's Aerospace Program invited him to attend. Having received no other scholarships, he agreed, packed his meager belongings, and went to the Tokyo campus. He was nearly overwhelmed with his studies for his freshman year, but his relentless drive and need to succeed kept him at it. He was never afraid to go to a tutor if he needed it, but was always independent enough to try as hard as he could on his own first.

The watchful Convention that set his scholarship up was impressed enough that he wasn't broken by the extremely demanding and difficult curriculum. In 1993, he was approached by "outside academicians". After swearing him to secrecy, they invited him to a "secret government program" that would involve a great deal of physical and combat training and involved the threat of alien species. A laughable claim, Unari first thought, but the scientists were all too serious and his gut instinct told him this was his chance to fulfill one of his only dreams.

Over the next year, Unari underwent extreme and sometimes grisly methods of training. No holds were barred on his combat efficiency, and he secretly enjoyed every moment. Still, the moment of truth had not dawned on the cadet. It would not be til just after his year-long training was completed.


A dimensional intrusion had been noted near Nagasaki. A mixed team of Void Engineer and New World Order trouble-shooters had been dispatched to deal with the threat. None returned alive. Immediate reinforcements were needed, and they decided to test Unari's new skill. He was appointed to a team of cleaners and they moved into the contaminated zone, guns blazing as the anomaly threats revealed themselves. When all was said and done, the fire team took 100% casualties. The threat was put down, however, and survivors were shipped back to headquarters to get patched up. Unari had proven himself to the Union, but the cost was days in isolated agony as his wounds were tended to by a medical machine.

But there was more to it. The alien beasts he fought with were rife with venomous attacks, and he had taken such an injury. In and out of coma, the medical staff in reality thought he was done for. But as he slipped in and out of that state, he was wracked with flashes of possibilities, visions even. Insinuating itself into his consciousness was the seed of awareness. He had faced the Things That Should Not Be and lived. His Genius was prepared to see it all. His Genius wanted to help him kill them all.

When Unari recovered, he had undergone an unusual change. He found himself unable to feel slight measures of pain, which in most ways is actually a bad thing. And most obvious, his eyes had changed. The iris and cornea both had shifted to a pitch black, giving his already icy demeanor a diabolic look. At first, the scientists were going to call security to eliminate the "contaminated" trooper. But a more attentive scientist noticed that nothing had changed on any level in Unari -- except for the budding Genius.

Void Engineer scientists immediately went to study him, making sure he wasn't an anomaly freak. All tests came out positive, and in fact it was determined that the physiological changes were attuned to his Empowerment. Furthermore, they realized, he had been genetically altered from birth in this manner. They didn't tell him that, however; that was classified data he did not have authorization to know yet... Unari still believes those two freakish changes were part of his Empowerment, and accepts them as badges of his superior status as a true Technocrat.

The newly-Empowered agent was administrated into the higher levels of science. His instructors were fighters like him, and kept the studies simple. Applicable Procedures, not theoretical ones, were the basis of his instruction. Another year later, and his advanced training and studies were completed. In 1995, he was admitted into the ranks of the Neutralization Specialist Corps (NSC), a top agent of that division with his Empowerment.

Recent Assignments

Unari was assigned dozens of missions over the next several years. Some of them he was directed to work alone, others in a team -- often in lead. The many contaminated zones in Nippon, particularly near Nagasaki and Hiroshima, were often the subject of his missions. However, it was noted that no amount of purge ever sealed the corrupted dimensional walls in those vicinities. All that those missions could accomplish was containment. Research teams were dispatched to learn more about what could be done. Unari needed reassignment.

Little Asia, Kansas City, was just starting to really grow. And with human growth came a growing Reality Deviant infestation. Many of the Deviants in this district were immigrants from Asia themselves. Consequently, the native Western Technocrats had little data concerning them. Specialists, who knew how to deal with these unusual threats, were needed. The Zaibatsu was quick to jump at the opportunity to expand its influence. A team was assembled and Unari numbered among those chosen. The amalgam was named the Kitakai, and they were immediately dispatched to America to help the Westerners handle the growing threat of Little Asia and the so-called shen. Although he finds the gaijin he must work with annoying and crude, Unari dutifully hides his opinions under his devotion.

Unari has much to learn, however. He must learn the truth of his upbringing, about the selfishness that has possessed so many of his fellow Technocrats. He must learn about the dangers that threaten the Technocracy from within as well as without. And he must do so without the aid of fate or fortune -- the very skills the Union gifted him with are his key to true enlightenment and victory.

The Amalgam

Unari now belongs to the amalgam, Kitakai, named after the famous socialist/reformist in the post-WW II era. Their presence in Little Asia, Kansas City, is a directive of the combined leadership of the local Symposium and the Zaibatsu. Their objectives include aiding their native Technocrats with the threat of the so-called "shen" as well as analyze Western Technocrats' tactics and strengths so that the Zaibatsu may gain a greater understanding of its competitors. It currently includes himself as dimensional security specialist and Rai "Die Hard" Nakada as the resident nano-aug killing machine and field commander. Johnny Zhanshi provides overwatch.

Significant Other

Though amalgam-mates, or perhaps because of this fact, these two agents hooked up in 2004 just to provide each other social relief. Unari's relationship with Nao is largely casual and sexual at the moment. They have no need to offer more to each other.


Cold Heart

Unari is an ice-pack. He kills without remorse, although he is not without restraint. He may never find enlightenment, friends, or true success so long as he lives without conscience.

Likelihood of Corruption


Unari is not a man easily swayed. On the other hand, there is much he does not know and much he would not believe even if he were told. A cunning foe could take advantage of that and influence him to evil ends.


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