Quintin Ace

Void Engineers
Earth Frontier Division
Groundhog at HQ #BB3201
Subterranean Exploration Corps (SEC)
Journeyman of the Divergent Disquisition


~The ace of action: that’s Quinn in a nutshell. It’s a good thing he isn’t claustrophobic! Quintin Ace is a youthful, active Caucasian male in his late teens. He maintains his reddish-brown (redder in the summer) hair in a bowl-styled cut. Long bangs often drift past aqua-blue eyes that gaze at the world with a confident mix of steady wonder. Quinn favors athletic attire, and hiking boots often leave his footprints in the earth he explores. As he’s often out exercising or, in fact, hiking, Quinn usually wears jogging pants and a sports jersey (the Chiefs rule!). The young man seems eager but naive and green to the harsh realities of the world. Still, when his eyes harden on a prize, this adventurer is like a fearless mountain lion.~

OOC: Appearance 2

"I'm wondering what's down there, too. Let's find out."


Richie Ringwald

Who was Richard Ringwald? He was born in 1988 and died in 2006 – the prime of life. His parents, Charles and Sarah, were good working class citizens: his father became a foreman in a autoparts factory and his mother a law clerk. Richie’s older sister, Laurie, also took up a good profession, nursing the elderly. Richie had a mind for geology and as a boy was always digging holes to find “the center of the earth” in his decent middle class Independence, Missouri, neighborhood. The Ringwalds’ townhouse home’s yard had plenty of holes!

And his parents encouraged his active youth, impressing upon Richie the need to be as smart as he needed to be athletic and adventurous. They needed to convince him little of the last. All the same, he did well in school, particularly science. True, he wasn’t the most popular boy, but he kept a few good friends throughout his educational career. Richie enjoyed playing sports and video games with his buddies.

But he really liked to explore caves above all. Richie felt the most useful and comfortable, and even serene, when he was delving into caverns and spelunking. Some of the caves around the city had famous history: hideouts for outlaws of the Wild West or abandoned mines. The young man didn’t fear the danger of some these caves, blocked off from public trespass (but trespass he did anyway). Richie always had a strong imagination and a curious drive. He saw himself as a pioneer, but was more level-headed than some people gave him credit for.

Broken Stag

Thus, it was a bit of a surprise when Richie suffered such a bad fall when he was spelunking in the Broken Stag Caves in 2003. It was his sophomore year of high school, and the boy found himself surrounded by darkness and smothering depth…and with broken legs. It took three days before emergency services found and rescued the teenager. By that time, dehydration and exposure had taken its toll, nearly slaying Richie. But surviving on the edge, rationing his water, heightened his state of awareness more than he realized. Luckily, a “Ground Hog” explorer of the Void Engineers was present among his rescuers.

After Richie’s rescue, Dr. Tyler Vent sent Richie letters and e-mails. The notes inquired about Richie’s experience and invited him to visit Dr. Vent’s agency, which was actually a Technocratic front in Independence: Symposium #MI12971. The teenager took Dr. Vent’s up, seeing an opportunity to expand his knowledge of geology beyond what even honors science courses could offer in high school. So in the afternoons Richie visited the agency and discussed scientific topics with the astute Dr. Vent. The SEC (Subterranean Exploration Corps) operative presented Richie’s young mind with abstract concepts, particularly regarding Primal Energy.

And Richie proved his Enlightenment, intuitively grasping these advanced theories and hyper-scientific laws. Richie’s after-school training, education, and Technocratic conditioning began in earnest. Advanced geology and cartography complimented the Union’s facts on the Hidden World. Disinterested in politics or the Pogrom, Richie was really just eager to start exploring all kinds of caves for the SEC. With Dr. Vent’s authority, Richie was able to spelunk down into dangerous cavern systems blocked off by the U.S. Government. He learned much of subterranean realities, dangers, and wonders, all while picking up all he could from his teacher in the fields of advanced technologies and Enlightened Science.

Marble Veins

The smart young man graduated high school and the initiatory Void Engineer student program the same year: in 2006. Only a few months apart were his diplomas. Through his high school connections, Richie gained some great science scholarships, enabling him to pick almost any university of his choice to pursue his career in geology. But he first wanted to dive right into his SEC work, and his new “job” didn’t have time for mundane college right now. His parents were not happy that he was trying to skip requisite years of education to go right to what they viewed as an internship program under Dr. Vent’s agency. The Symposium viewed the Ringwalds’ interference with Richie’s SEC career as a security threat, and the boy would have to sever ties with his family.

Richie was horrified. But at the same time, his drive and passion to explore had overtaken his former life and its attachments. Perhaps it was just Technocratic conditioning at its “finest” that made Richie agree, albeit reluctantly. With the Union’s help, Richie died that summer while spelunking in the Marble Veins Caverns. He fell to his death. At least, that was what the government was made to believe, and that was what his family was made to believe, thanks to a cloned dead look-alike of Richie.

Ace in the Hole

Richie Ringwald did die that day. But the Union issued their latest Ground Hog asset a new identity: Quintin Ace. He quickly adopted Quinn as a nickname. The young man was to be relocated to a different city, and he bid his mentor Dr. Vent good-bye. Quinn transferred to Centropolis and Symposium #BB3201 in 2007. As an attempt to make it up to Quinn for taking away his former life and identity, the Union paid his full-way to attend the Metro Technical School and work towards a Bachelor’s degree in applied earth sciences. Quinn also gained the full benefits of working fully for the Technocratic Union, too.

Despite his personal setbacks, Quinn was eager to explore the local cavern systems in the Centropolis area. He wanted to be the one who discovered the secrets of the Great Cave that lay beneath the entire Midwest region of the country. Of course, Quinn was only human, and he yearned for friends and good company. Dr. Weston Bell was a nice boss and all, but he was just a boss. Dr. Bell wasn’t Tyler Vent, and he wasn’t Quinn’s high school buddies. Quinn felt as alone as he did when he fell in that crumbling airshaft of the Broken Stag Caves a few years ago.

Significant Other

Quinn is partnered up with Sabrina Desmonde, a fearless Woman in Black, since spring of 2007. At first their relationship was appropriately professional. But the shared risks and dangers they endured drew them closer together. Youthful romance blossomed under the nose of paranoid psych-ops. One can hope they can keep their feelings alive in the cold corridors of Technocratic citadels.


Eager Beaver

Quinn is too avid to dive right in and explore wherever he is exploring today. He really is naive to the serious risks posed not just to his body but his very mind (and soul, whether he believes in that or not).

Likelihood of Corruption


Quintin is too inexperienced for his own good, that's true. But working for the Technocracy has its benefits. DPEM will detox him of any undesirable influences Quinn may acquire while delving into the earth's depths.


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