Tracey Belov-Desoyer

VP at Mimetic Genetics, Inc.
Advanced Adept of the Minute Meditation Chantry


Height: 5'9"
Weight: 132 lb.
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Long simple blonde
Clothing: Gold promenade formal
Comportment/Cadence: Confident
Distinctions: A fantastically beautiful blonde bombshell in the finest attire, full of vigor and zeal, albeit a mite muddled at times
Supernatural Qualities: She radiates passion and joy for life, though when she concentrates, she can tone it down, like the sun sadly setting
Accoutrements: Moderate jewelry, fur shawl
Traits: Appearance 5 (shapely); Style 4 (street fashion); Arcane 1; Airhead

"I am delighted to discover if that will work as well, Archie!"


Date of Birth: August 13th, 1976
Home: Hillsborough, California, United States
Family: George & Margie Belov (parents)
Awakening: Preordainment (grew up in wealthy upper class home in San Francisco exurb, best friends with Christie and Renny and were inseparable throughout youth; she got the best education money could buy and despite the "social butterfly" lives she led with her besties, she excelled at school, particularly science; her Awakening came about when visiting a museum on the history of genetics, her mind overwhelmed with the comprehension of complex reams of genetic code), 1994
Mentor: Petros Rossa; Karsten Kiesel
The Test: Trial by Knowledge (she discovered her friends experienced similar Awakenings; they were all approached by an aging "chemist", Petros, who was actually a Solificati alchemist, who anticipated their linked Awakenings per the cosmic alignment he analyzed; he had no trouble recruiting the young women with promises of career and education, and he initiated their entrance into the Solificati Craft; Petros made clear all along that, per the astrological signs, the ladies would become master cloners)
Comrades: Archibald Desoyer, Christie Bolt-Desoyer, Renae "Renny" Chow-Desoyer
Key Event #1: Personal Tragedy (after "graduating", they split up for several years to complete their "journeymen" phase; Tracey ended up in Berlin, studying advanced biochemistry under Karsten Kiesel as a lab assistant, until his sexual harassment became unbearable and she up and left)
Key Event #2: Awe & Wonder (she discovered her sisters experienced similar episodes and they all returned to San Francisco to study under Petros and finish their initial work under his wizened and caring eye)
Key Event #3: Personal Tragedy (the Technocracy moved in on their tiny enclave, on the university and scientific power-base, first pushing Petros out of university tenure and Sleeper eye, then assassinating him; then they came for the apprentices, so Tracey and friends fooled the murderous agents by making mindless clones of themselves as bait, successfully faking their own deaths when the assassins struck)
Key Event #4: Awe & Wonder (the ladies agreed to split up again for both safety and finalizing their own Paths; Tracey decided to follow up on mysteries of the Wu Lung's Taoist alchemy and traveled to Shanghai to do so, masquerading as a post-grad chemistry student)
Key Event #5: Awe & Wonder (all of them found key lore or objects to study and share when they met up a couple years later in San Diego)
Key Event #6: Awe & Wonder (together, the ladies decided to attend a genetics science convention held in Los Angeles, and there they encountered Archibald Desoyer; he won them over with his project ideas, and they agreed to go to Hawaii and assist with their own masterful skills)
Transition: Shift in Purpose (Tracey and the others moved to Hawaii and moved in with Archie, sharing his lab to continue his work, pretending to be family or even his wives, and they began to create actual thinking, independent clones!)

Causae Probatio (Sanctum)

Location: Kahului, Maui Island, Hawaii, United States
Structure: Science Laboratory (converted warehouse)
Stock: Biochemical Vats, Cloning Tubes, Primal Energy Tanks
Traits: Arcane 4

Significant Others

Names: Christie Bolt-Desoyer, 1982; Archibald Desoyer, 2006; the Desoyer Dolls, 2008-2011
Nature: Companionship, Companionship, Companionship



The Dolls

Playing Goddess

She and her companions are happy to play god creating these sentient clones but haven't even begun to slow down to consider the ethical ramifications. Tracey clearly doesn't care about the Masses who do hold those ethics.

Likelihood of Corruption


She may not care about the opinions of Sleepers but she does care about her wards and friends, and she works closely with them to avoid blowback.


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